Average Joe Patriot

I'm just an average Joe who has read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and most importantly the Bible. Our Greatest Nation began with these documents as our guide. Please educate yourselves by reading them before believing anything that comes out of a politician’s mouth.

With the current gross abuses from our leadership in Washington, I want to share with you what I see as I see it. These abuses have been increasing as we have traveled down the road of history. Without refocusing our goals through the lens of our founding principles, we will surely loose our way.

Make no mistake, a take the side of the American People and the principles which make this country great. I don’t care about partisan politics, fluffy rhetoric to mask the lies from self-serving elitists who have lost their higher calling.

Please do not idly sit by and watch the destruction of our Greatest Nation which has inspired freedom in the midst of darkness for over two centuries. We can have real change, with real results. But it starts with you, the American People who collectively share the legacy of having giving more for our fellow man than any other country in our worlds history.

Monday, January 11, 2010

"Freedom of Choice Act" Facsist Eugenics In America!!!!!

Stop this EVIL law!!!!!

Dear Concerned American,

In July 2007, Barack Obama promised a group of his supporters that, if elected president, he would sign perhaps the most evil piece of legislation in the history of our republic.

It's called the "Freedom of Choice Act," or FOCA -- but don't let the Orwellian title fool you. It isn't about "freedom" or "choice" at all. It's about forcing each and every American citizen -- regardless of his or her view on abortion -- to support abortion-on-demand not just as a "fundamental right" but as a taxpayer-funded entitlement.

But the compulsion wouldn't stop there. Because FOCA would also run roughshod over the conscience rights of doctors, nurses, and hospitals that oppose abortion on religious or moral grounds -- forcing them to provide or counsel for abortion or face professional de-certification, loss of funding, lawsuits, and even prosecution.

Not only that, FOCA would immediately strike down any and all state restrictions on abortion -- even those with wide popular support, such as prohibitions on partial-birth abortion and parental notification requirements for minors seeking abortions.

Make no mistake: FOCA is the most radical piece of pro-abortion legislation ever proposed, one that would go far beyond Roe v. Wade in making abortion a government-protected and taxpayer-supported "right," through all nine months of pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood’s History of Eugenics

“The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” -- Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, Women and the New Race(Eugenics Publishing Co., 1920, 1923)

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the world. Founder Margaret Sanger was an avowed supporter of eugenics, the pseudo-science of breeding superior humans. Her extensive writings reveal startling plans to rid the world of “undesirables” through abortion, sterilization and birth control.

In April 1932, Sanger wrote A Plan for Peace, The Birth Control Review. She urged Congress to study what she considered population problems by appointing a “Parliament of Population.” This special congressional group would be tasked “to raise the level and increase the general intelligence of population.” To reach these goals, Sanger suggested a “stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

Along with her colleague Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, Sanger developed what Gamble first dubbed “The Negro Project” in a 1939 memorandum to Sanger. Their plan was to target poor minority areas in the South with Birth Control Federation of America clinics, the forerunner to Planned Parenthood’s abortion mills. In his memorandum, Gamble suggested they hire “a Negro physician” and a “charismatic Negro minister” to put in charge of the project to make it appear to have the support of black leaders.

Sanger reportedly responded to Gamble on December 10, 1939, approving the project concept. She wrote, “We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Sanger lured the black community into support for her plans through deception, much the same way Planned Parenthood continues to deceive today. Touting health concerns, community well-being and economic advancement, Sanger targeted poor minorities and lured many into her grasp.

The targeting of poor, minority communities continued as Sanger’s ideas brought together several birth-control organizations heavily populated by the eugenics movement to form Planned Parenthood. For instance, when Planned Parenthood opened over 100 school-based clinics in the 1980s, not one is reported to have been opened in a substantially all-white school or in a suburban middle-class school. All available data show the clinics were opened only in black, minority or other ethnic schools.

Because of the controversies surrounding the disproportionately high number of minority abortions, the pro-abortion movement makes every effort to suppress their actual numbers. In 1992, back when Planned Parenthood actually released their numbers, over 43% of abortions they performed were on minority women.

Eugenics Still Rules

The Guttmacher Institute is an organization which compiles reproductive health statistics. According to their studies, black women abort their children five times more often than white women and at twice the Hispanic rate.

In a July 12, 2009, interview with the New York Times, Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg in a candid moment confirmed that eugenics is the driving force behind the pro-abortion movement.

“Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong.”

Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, senior fellow and national spokesman for the American Civil Rights Union (ACRU), says the passage of FOCA would represent the completion of Margaret Sanger’s work in eugenics.

“If you begin to look at the connection between slavery, Darwin, eugenics and abortion you begin to appreciate the fact that this is the logical step in the final chapter of this march toward genocide,” Blackwell said. “All of this has started to stem around the fundamental thought that African-Americans were less than human, objects to be manipulated, subjects to be used. This is, in my view, most noted in the works of Margaret Sanger. She introduced to youths the notion of abortion as a way of purifying what she considered to be the human race and to rid it of inferiors. In this case she regarded African-Americans as being inferior. And if you don’t study the history of slavery and Darwinian theory, eugenics and abortion, then you’re doing a disservice to the stain that all of these developments had on American culture.”


  1. Eugenics still exists thru abortion and a new film called: maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America proves this with stunning documentation. Maafa21 is teh best film on this topic you will ever watch. 2.5 hours of original documents exposing Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, and her eugenic friends and board members. Watch a clip of Maafa21 here: http://www.maafa21.com

  2. Sanger was CLEARLY wrong in her racist views. That said, it's not necessarily racist that more abortions were performed for African-Americans. It could be a function of economics or other social issues in addition to availability. It could also be a function of the greater rate of paternal absenteeism that had existed in that group during the era cited. "From 1960 to 2000, the proportion of white children living with both parents declined from 90.9% to 75% compared to a decrease from 67% to 37.6% among black children." [source: US Census data via http://www.jointcenter.org/DB/factsheet/livarg.htm] In addition, 56% of black single mothers vs. 19% of their white counterparts had never been married [source: 1987 National Survey of Families and Households].
    As for forcing every citizen to "support" abortion, that is only true in the economic sense of the word. Roe v Wade long ago established abortion as "the law of the land."
    This law is about providing economic welfare to those citizens who would legally seek an abortion. It doesn't force anyone to receive an abortion. Nothing I know about it even suggests that it encourages abortion. It simply makes it possible where it might otherwise not have been an option, though already legal.
    Perhaps it's opponents should propose a bill providing for the well-being of mothers who choose to give birth and offer the child up for adoption? Housing, job placement assistance and education programs for these women might help reduce BOTH the number of abortions AND the number of unintended pregnancies.
